IT´S TIME!!!!!


Hei folkens!

Jeg håper at dere alle har hatt en fin mandag! I dag da jeg kom hjem klarte jeg virkelig ikke vente mer! Jeg har sagt at jeg skal lage min første video på engelsk når jeg har 50 000 abonnenter, men jeg kan ikke vente mer! Jeg er faktisk veldig gira på det! Ikke fordi jeg syns at jeg selv er så god i engelsk, men jeg vil virkelig ha en video der ute for mine følgere som ikke forstår norsk ( også for dere selvfølgelig, men har de spesielt i tankene nå). Det er selvfølgelig et lite pluss at jeg ikke er redd for å snakke engelsk foran folk. Jeg fikk jo litt øving da jeg intervjuet blant annet Alex Aiono og Lisa og Lena på Sommertid foran drøye 30 000 mennesker!  Jeg vil derfor at dere skal kommentere spørsmål til dette innlegget og/eller under bildet mitt på instagram som jeg legger med en link til HER! Jeg vil samle inn spørsmål til slutten av uka og prøve å få filmet da!


Hey guys! 

I hope that you all have had a great Monday. Lately I have really been thinking about making an english youtube video! I said that I will do it when i have 50 000 subscribes on youtube, but I can’t wait haha! It is a big plus that I`m quite comfortable when it comes to speaking English. I have been in London almost 10 times working with Disney and I only talk English with the crew. I also had to interview Alex Aiono and Lisa and Lena in front of 30 000-35 0000 people this summer. It was a lot of fun! I therefore want you guys to start asking me questions<3 You can comment as many questions as you want to this post. Just click on the text under my post where it says ” kommentarer”! You can also comment on my instagram picture that I will leave the link to down below. 


Klem Jennie

4 kommentarer

    1. How did you and Thomas meet? how did you get in a relationship? What is your dream job? Are you religious or do you believe in supernatural things like ghosts?

    2. How was it to meet Lisa and lena?
      Do you and Thomas see each athor often, or have you a long distenc relationship?
      Can you and Thomas do a video togheter ?

    3. When did you and Thomas become a couple?
      What are your future plans?
      Do you want any kids?
      Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
      Do you think you would have been famous and have clothing lines etc, if it was not for the role you had in JENTER?
      Do you wish Norway would take in more refugees, or do you think its risky?
      If you only had one wish, what would it be?
      Do you do any sports?
      Your favorite tv show?
      Would you say that you are popular at school, or do you believe you have the friends you need?
      If you were stuck on a Island for 3 months, what 5 items or people would you bring with you?
      What are your thoughts about 13 reason why? Did you got affected by the tv show anyhow?

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